Saturday, January 05, 2008

Im Now Out of Work... OJT Work That Is....

Whew... I am unofficially done with my hours with my OJT... I just need to get some things that I need from my workstation to pass them to my adviser at school...

I am quite excited going back to school without worrying of being on a job in the morning, making my daily routine so boring... And in this point, when I am not gonna worry about my OJT anymore... I can focus more on my other subjects in school cause since I have been working on my OJT, I was quite not that getting the habit of reading my notes earlier before any exams... I tend to cram so hard that I think my prelims grade will not be that good to see... Oh well... I can still do better for the next terms... I can try do do better I guess... I can also focus on trying to get back my guitar-playing skills to a better situation... I mean, I can try to learn more than just the usual riffs that I play... But its gonna be hard if I am gonna get myself better...

But I guess It's one thing that I can do to forget some things too... I can't really say what they are... But whenever these thoughts come up... I really need something to do to keep myself sane....

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